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Microsoft Would have launched a new Plugin that allows for Video Chat in the Browser

Video Chat is usually done with an additional applications, including Skype or Yahoo Messenger. However, Microsoft proposes a new plugin which can be used for video chat in your browser tools.

The proposal also they prove it with contributions to W3C working group which is a group of WebRTC who work for universal API for voice/video chat in the browser. Microsoft's contribution is referred to as "Cusomizable, Ubiquitous, Real Time Communication over the Web" or CU-RTC-Web.
With Microsoft's participation in the program, the company said that this was a positive step for Skype. Instead of using an additional application, Skype in the future will appear directly in the browser using a plugin. In addition, with technology, will allow Skype users to interact with a user's Google Talk and others.

About penyematan technology it remains unclear when it will be finished and can be used by the public. However, with the existence of services of voice chat in the browser, surely it would be more interesting if compared with the technology that currently exist.

(Via Slashgear)

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