The Defeat Of The Samsung And Android Will Give Space For Windows Phone
Patent war between Apple and Samsung was eventually won by Apple and Samsung should pay dearly this defeat with a fine . In addition to Apple, Microsoft also rejoice with Samsung's defeat, because this defeat will give space for Windows Phone.
In this Court defeat Samsung also considered defeat Android and Google in the fight against patents Apple. Because of this, the position of Android phones on the market will be pressured by the threat of royalty.
Apple actually does not only want fines of billions of rupiah due to patent infringement, however the company feature the apples be bitten also wanted royalty against a number of Samsung product that uses the Android operating system.
This defeat will make other operating systems such as Windows Phones to move grab attention marketplace. Windows Phone operating system that is not only fresh, but also operating system independent of the probability of war with patents.
Microsoft is rumored to have made a deal with Apple about the issue of patan, allegedly, Apple allows Microsoft to use a number of patents.
"If Google did not manage to dull the IP with patents that Apple purchased through the acquisition of Motorola, Microsoft could be a big winner. If you've been paying Microsoft to build an Android phone, why not build a Windows Phone? ", said analyst Avi Greengart of Current Analysis,.
The patent issue is indeed a problem that quaint, Google purchased Motorola to get patents owned by motorola, but Motorola's own patent war involved with Microsoft. Microsoft itself is currently in a secure position due to cross-license with Apple.
Microsoft prefer innovating through Windows Phone 7 that will soon be released simultaneously with the newer Nokia new Lumia. Windows Phone 7 will present a variety of innovations such as HD screen, support multicore processors and NFC.
As reported by CNET (25/08/2012), the rise of Microsoft Windows Phone 7 that through partnering with Nokia plus a fall of Samsung with Android on the Court make sure that Microsoft now is the turn of Windows Phone 8-off the market.